is now Intel® Tiber™ AI Studio
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Organized by Intel® Tiber™ AI Studio, an Intel Company

June 5-6, 2024
Hybrid Event

Request to Be a Speaker at mlcon3

Thank you for your interest in speaking at mlcon 3, Intel® Tiber™ AI Studio’s hybrid conference for AI developers and Data Scientists, powered by Intel.

mlcon is an excellent way to get your name out there to the community, share your ideas and the work that you’ve been doing with real world AI applications and LLMs.

Please consider the following as you write your proposal:

What do you expect the audience to gain from your presentation?

Avoid sales or marketing pitches

Talk length is 20 minutes + 5 minutes for Q&A

We look forward to reading your proposal!  Please feel free to reach out by email to before with any questions, or if you’d like to discuss your topic ahead of submitting the form.

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